NYC’s First Microhub May Happen in Greenpoint

By Jean Brannum |

A micro-distribution center may come to Greenpoint as part of a pilot program for the city.

The center, known as a microhub, is a small distribution center for e-commerce companies such as Amazon. The program follows Local Law 166, which went into effect in Dec 2021 and mandates the city seek feedback on a possible microhub network, request interest from relevant businesses, and, in 2023, establish a pilot program to support these centers. .

The City Department of Transportation will open some areas for businesses to use as microhubs. One of the potential locations is under the BQE between Kingsland Ave and Sutton St. in Greenpoint, which is currently a low-demand parking lot. The pilot program allows this in a few areas before the DOT expands the program to other parts of the city.

According to a presentation about the program, similar microhub networks exist in Paris, Washington DC, and Seattle. The hubs are a solution to increased truck traffic and pollution due to the recent increase in e-commerce users since 2020. Freight Planner Katherine Ponte from the DOT estimates that four trucks per company would make trips to the microhub daily, which means 8-16 trucks total.

Courtesy of NYC Department of Transportation

As the owner of a microhub, a company would have to limit truck usage within the city. Companies would have the option to use cargo bikes, hand carts, or electric vehicles.

At a meeting on July 31, community members met on Zoom to give public comments to the DOT, and ask questions. Many residents are supportive of the idea but want strict regulations to minimize traffic in the immediate area and noise.

Ponte touted the program as a way to prevent injuries for e-commerce delivery people, who frequently have to sort packages on sidewalks or even on the street. Microhubs give workers room to sort packages within those neighborhoods, which would minimize the number of delivery trucks that block traffic lanes.

Bronwyn Breitner, a street safety advocate who lives near the potential site, is thrilled about the potential microhubs program but wants to ensure that the areas do not bring more congestion to the area, which already has a lot of traffic. Breitner is also worried about cyclist and pedestrian safety since she is waiting for bike lane improvements in the area.

Kevin La Cherra, another Greenpoint resident,  wanted to know how the microhub would affect truck traffic in the immediate area.

Ponte noted the residents’ concerns and said that the DOT will soon conduct a cargo bike survey. The DOT authorized the use of E-cargo bikes in March 2024. Ponte said that the DOT can use the survey and feedback from the pilot program to find areas of improvement for bike-friendly infrastructure.

La Cherra also commented that current laws meant to decrease pollution are already not being enforced, such as idling laws, and that members of the community have been advocating for street safety improvements for years with no action from the DOT. La Cherra pointed to the proposed improvements to slow traffic at McGuinness Blvd, which the mayor famously rejected in 2023, and similar proposed changes to Kingsland Ave.

Councilmember Lincoln Restler decided to speak after Breitner and La Cherra’s comments, saying that while their frustration is valid, it is important to look at the “big picture”

“I don’t think that we should confuse what is a promising and exciting pilot project that I’m happy is happening in our neighborhood with some of the other initiatives that have not moved forward,” Restler said.

Restler clarified that he wants the program to be implemented in a way that benefits the community and appreciates the public input.

The DOT issued a Request for Expressions of Interest from businesses that wish to take part in the program. Ponte said that one of the conditions for businesses to set up a microhub will be that they adhere to policies that keep the area clean and minimize noise.

The DOT is currently working to finalize what businesses will take part in the pilot program, but cannot reveal names yet.


The People’s Firehouse’s Ongoing Legacy

By Olivia Graffeo |

The People’s Firehouse, Inc. of Greenpoint and Williamsburg has been advocating for their community for nearly 50 years. When New York City faced a massive budget crisis in the 1970s, firehouses in all five boroughs were vulnerable to sweeping cuts. The People’s Firehouse was one of many organizations that fought back. 

Now a non-profit focused on restoring and helping the community of Greenpoint-Williamsburg, The People’s Firehouse performs a myriad of services. A pillar of the organization focuses on anti-arson work  and fire prevention education in hopes of reducing the number of fires in the area; the dangers associated with e-bikes and their highly flammable batteries are the newest opponent to fire safety, having caused deaths and injuries throughout the city. In addition to the more traditional firehouse services, The People’s Firehouse participates in building restoration and the tenant rights movement. By owning and restoring buildings in the area, the organization provides affordable housing to vulnerable individuals such as seniors. Tenants and smaller landlords can come to The People’s Firehouse if they are in need of help, and there is always an ear open to them there. 

Originally called Engine 212, The People’s Firehouse was always a staple of its community. The three-story structure gave neighborhood residents a much-needed sense of safety during a time when house fire deaths were dramatically on the rise in New York City. Despite this gruesome trend, the decision was made to make cuts to fire protection all over the city. Engine 212 was officially chosen for closure in the fall of 1975, although rumors of firehouse budget cuts had been circulating for months. The community in which the firehouse resided was caught unaware when the day finally came, perhaps due to the logistics of the city’s plan. While residents of the neighborhood enjoyed Thanksgiving weekend with their families, the city was scheduled to seize Engine 212’s fire truck and shutter the building early that Saturday morning. 

Within hours of receiving the news, the neighborhood came out in droves to protest the closing of their beloved firehouse. Hundreds of people rushed to the building, assisted by community leaders and advocates who worked quickly to organize the demonstration as best they could. With the city expected to arrive the next morning, many residents decided to bunk within the firehouse, creating a physical barrier between the fire truck and those who sought to seize it.  

While many communities rallied around the firehouses that were slated to close in the mid-70s, none were as stalwart and dedicated as those in Greenpoint-Williamsburg. Protests of the city’s fire protection budget cuts were common, but they often died down or were snuffed out. The Engine 212 protests were different; the firefighters employed there actively assisted locals in their mission, and even participated as willing hostages within the building. Despite the city’s continued efforts to end the occupation of the firehouse, the neighborhood remained there for sixteen months. 

In addition to residing within the building to prevent its seizure, community members and those who supported them held organized demonstrations and marches. During one of these marches, the group managed to briefly shut down the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway as a form of protest. It was here that “The People’s Firehouse” was born; the neighborhood considered the firehouse to be a part of their community, belonging not to the city, but to the people. 

In 1977, after sixteen long months of activism from the community, the city finally agreed to allow Engine 212 to re-open at full capacity. Forty-seven years after their monumental victory, The People’s Firehouse is still fighting for their neighborhood. Although they have faced setbacks and burdens throughout the years, people remain at the heart of the organization. 

Your Guide to Good Cause Laws

By Jean Brannum |

Politicians and tenant’s rights groups met with residents of Greenpoint for a town hall about the new “Good Cause” Evictions law, which went into effect in April 2024. 

Assemblymember Emily Gallagher and State Senator Julia Salazar, who introduced the Good Cause law, hosted the event. Dominique Hood from the Metropolitan Council on Housing and Lino Diaz from Communities Resist gave presentations on what residents need to know about the Good Cause laws.  Councilmember Lincoln Restler was also in attendance. Housing experts joined attendants in the El Puente Community Center to answer additional questions.  

The Good Cause laws protect tenants in market-rate homes from unreasonable rent hikes and unjust evictions. It also allows tenants to challenge rent increases in court. 

Are You Eligible?

It’s important to note that only certain homes are eligible for Good Cause protections. Only market-rate homes are protected, meaning they are not classified as Section Eight, NYCHA, Rent Controlled or Rent Stabilized units. Homes must also be built before 2009 and rent must be less than 245% of the market rate per month. Co-op homes and condos are not eligible for Good Cause protections. 

Landlords have to notify tenants if their homes are covered under Good Cause for leases, renewals, rent hikes and evictions starting after Aug. 18. Your landlord must state why or why not you are protected under Good Cause. 

Lastly, a Good Cause only applies to landlords who own more than 10 units. You can find out how many apartments your landlord owns by searching on

Can my rent increase if it is under Good Cause protections?

Landlords can reasonably raise rent if the apartment is under Good Cause protections. However, the increase cannot be more than 5-10% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Landlords have to provide advanced notice to tenants. Notices must be 30 days in advance for residents who have stayed in a unit for less than a year, 60 days for one or two-year stays, and 90 days for residents staying two or more years in a unit. 

To increase the rent beyond 10%, landlords have to prove that a rent hike is necessary for the upkeep of the property. 

Can I get evicted from my apartment?

In New York City, a landlord has to evict a tenant through a court proceeding.  In a Good Cause unit, landlords have to have a good reason to evict you. The reasons include rent nonpayment, violating a substantial obligation of your lease, being a nuisance, or failure to provide the landlord adequate access to your unit, according to the Legal Aid Society.  

How can I exercise my rights as a tenant in a Good Cause unit?

There are two different types of cases where the defense could be based on the Good Cause law: nonpayment and holdover cases. In a nonpayment case, the landlord’s goal is for the tenant to pay the missing rent. The case is closed once that rent is paid, according to Diaz. In a holdover case, the goal for the landlord is to get the tenant out of the unit whether rent is paid or not. If a landlord takes a tenant to court then the tenant can provide a defense or “answer.”

If you believe your rent was raised unjustly, you can use Good Cause as a defense for nonpayment in a rent trial. One example of a defense is the Warranty of Habitability, which means the landlord knew of certain conditions in the unit and did not fix them. Therefore, rent should be reduced. 

For a nonpayment case, answers must be filed within 10 business days of receiving the petition. The form is available at the court clerk’s office. After filing, a court date is set. In a holdover, you must serve an answer before your first court date. The housing court may provide a form, or you can find it online.

Most importantly, tenants do have the right to have an attorney to represent them. NYC tenants are entitled to an adjournment at their first court appearance to find counsel. Tenants can also use the Right to Counsel program at their courthouse, which is access to free representation through nonprofit organizations. 

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Many organizations advocate for tenants and provide legal services for free, such as the Legal Aid Society, Communities Resist, the Metropolitan Council on Housing, and Brooklyn Legal Services. Communities Resist has an intake hotline at (646)974-8761. 

ExxonMobil Proposed SPDES Changes Sparks Land-Use Debate


By Jean Brannum |

ExxonMobil Corporation and environmental consulting company Roux held its second public hearing on the consolidation of its groundwater treatment plant plans on July 18, and most of the public comments were directed at the future use of the land. 

Community advocates, some who have commented multiple times on the plans, grilled ExxonMobil employees on the use of the potential old plant sites. 

ExxonMobil has two groundwater treatment plants, but the oil company wants to consolidate the plants into one, according to a fact sheet from Roux. Public liaisons for the company said in a presentation that the treatment plants would be able to run more efficiently and that the project would include adding updated equipment that would last throughout the entire remediation process. The two plants are at 400 Kingsland Avenue and 5 Bridgewater St. The new plant will be at 38 Varick St. 

The company has to apply for a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit modification. The process includes public meetings and meetings with Brooklyn Community Board One. 

However, attendees at the last public meeting with ExxonMobil discussed the use of the proposed empty land more than the SPDES permit. Advocates for Greenpoint’s environment expressed concerns about the future use of the land. Project Liaison, Kevin Thompson said that ExxonMobil does not disclose business dealings and that he could only hear suggestions about future land use. Thompson mentioned that the land is currently zoned for industrial use and that some new uses would require rezoning. 

Willis Elkins from the Newtown Creek Alliance spoke to the ExxonMobil and Roux representatives about the importance of using the land to better the community. Elkins is not concerned about the consolidation plan but suggests the industrial land be a site for green energy production. 

“I get ads all the time whenever I listen to WNYC and other podcasts and constantly bombarded by Exxon greenwashing ads about all the great stuff they’re doing to benefit the planet. This would be an ideal place to put that into practice.”

Elkins said that because the oil spill site has caused detrimental effects to the Greenpoint community, then ExxonMobil should use the site to positively impact the environment and community. His biggest concern, he said, was that the site would become a “last mile” distribution center, which the city council is working to limit. These centers act as quick distribution warehouses for e-commerce companies. Newtown Creek Alliance is a partner of the Last Mile Coalition, which advocates against such facilities. 

“There’s a significant opportunity to integrate things like environmental restoration, habitat restoration that will not just benefit ecologically, but will also benefit the community as well.”

Elkins added that the company now has a chance to move the state towards green energy use, which is part of New York state’s new law to reach 70% clean energy use by 2030. 

Kim Fraczek, director of the Sane Energy Project and a meeting attendant, agreed with Elkins and other Newtown Creek Alliance members that the land should become a green energy hub.

About the Greenpoint Oil Spill 


After the Greenpoint oil spill was discovered in 1978, multiple oil companies, the city, and the state have made efforts to clean up the site, according to the Newtown Creek Alliance.. . The oil spill was discovered in 1978 by the U.S. Coast Guard after 140 years of spillage. Oil giants BP, ExxonMobil, and Chevron/Texaco would acquire the spill site through years of acquisitions since the breakup of Standard Oil. ExxonMobil says that over 13.5 million gallons of oil have been removed from the spill site

A settlement between ExxonMobil and then-Mayor Andrew Cuomo, advocacy group Riverkeeper and the Greenpoint community ruled that the oil company must clean up the oil. Previous efforts to clean up the site did not take care of the problem. The state of New York Department of Energy Conservation oversees the current cleanup efforts.

For information on the project, ExxonMobil has a document repository on

Domestic Employers Honored at Care Heroes Awards

By Jean Brannum |

Care Forward, among other organizations, honored outstanding employers of caregivers in Carroll Gardens on June 11.

Nannies, in-home caregivers, and housekeepers could nominate their employers for a Care Hero award. The awards highlight employers who have gone above and beyond to honor the legal rights of domestic workers and create a good work environment.

Care Forward is an organization that is part of the Carroll Gardens Association and includes other organizations such as Hand In Hand and We Rise. The organization unifies domestic workers and advocates for their fair treatment. The initiative was launched after the implementation of Intro 339, a law that gives domestic workers human rights protections.

Intro 339 was implemented in March 2022 and protects domestic workers against harassment, inquiries into salary and credit history, and discrimination. Previously, worker protection laws excluded domestic workers. Zhara Baksh, the city’s organizer for Hand in Hand said that this was due to a history of domestic workers being predominantly black, and because many slaves fulfilled these duties before the civil war.

Baksh’s points are echoed in a PBS interview with Kaitlyn Henderson from Oxfam, a global organization that fights poverty and injustice. Henderson pointed out that black people were excluded from labor protection laws under Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s.

New York was the first state to have a Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, which mandates sick leave and overtime pay among other rights.

Donna Schneiderman hired a nanny and a house cleaner to help with her household needs. She quickly recognized that her home was a workplace and wanted to hold herself to the same standards as employers at other companies. However, she had no idea how to do that and realized that at the time domestic workers were not entitled to many employee rights.

A timeline of the domestic worker’s rights movement.

“We benefit when there are standards in place,” Schneiderman said.

Schneiderman got involved in the Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, which later joined Hand in Hand. She continues to advocate for better protections.

Arianna Schindle, director of training and curriculum design at the Worker Institute of Cornell, started as a nanny for six children. She said she was sexually harassed while working for them and did not know her rights as a worker. Now she helps domestic workers by teaching them their rights as an employee, and advocates for employers to use contracts. A new goal of Care Forward is for the majority of domestic workers to have contracts.

Another nanny trainer, Doris Tapia, who also works for the Worker Institute, teaches caregivers about negotiating their salaries and the wages they are entitled to. She said that some of her clients realized through her classes that they were not being paid enough.

Doris Tapia receives an award for her work in training domestic workers to understand their rights and to negotiate with their employers.

Domestic workers nominated employers who not only upheld the legal protections but provided more.

Marguerita Aristide, a nanny, nominated her employer, Julia Finegan, for using a “strong contract” during her five-year employment and for being more than a boss. Aristide said that Finegan will provide ample time off if she is sick.  Aristide joked that Finegan can even tell when she is sick before she knows.

“I don’t have to be afraid of asking for a day off,” Aristide said. She also said that it was important for her to know her rights as a caregiver.

Finegan said that Aristide had instant chemistry with her family. Her child was three years old at the time and she was expecting her second.

Another nanny named Claudette honored her employer, Caroline Prestone, for continuing to pay her and allow time off while her husband was in the hospital and after his death.

Other non-employers also won awards, such as children’s entertainer Hopalong Andrew.

New Jersey passed a similar domestic worker’s rights law on July 1. Other states have passed similar laws. An introduced Senate bill, if signed into law, will make the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights a federal law.


Sonny Singh: Sikh Sage Warrior

Musician Sonny Singh. Credit: Shruti Parekh

By Olivia Graffeo |

Pioneering his own unique blend of South Asian fusion, Brooklyn-based musician and activist Sonny Singh is continuing a decades-long mission of bringing people together. 

Singh was raised in Sikhism, a religion originating in the Punjab region of India that preaches meditation and equality of all people. Born of two Indian immigrants in North Carolina, Singh embraced his Sikh background as a way to cope with rising racial and ethnic tension in America. 

“When times were tough, I found myself gravitating towards some of the [Sikh] devotional songs I learned as a kid,” Singh said. 

Noting that the demographics of Charlotte in the 1980s was mostly white and Black people, Singh and his brother were the only children in their school who wore turbans. He described this as causing a deep feeling of isolation and otherness. 

“Kids on the playground would ask me, ‘are you white or black?’ and I wouldn’t know how to answer,” he said. 

Despite being part of a small minority in the American South, Singh found a way to feel he was a part of something. Exploring his heritage, and specifically the music of his ancestors, provided Singh an outlet to feel connection and peace within his community. Though there were not any gurdwaras (Sikh temples) in their area growing up, Singh was able to find meaning through playing music at small events, usually at community members’ houses. 

After making his career in music, which he calls becoming “a musician with a capital ‘M,’” Singh found success in trying out many different genres. Participating in bands that played mixes of ska, reggae, punk rock, and other fused genres, he has only recently returned to his roots in Sikh-inspired compositions. After the release of his first solo album, Chardi Kala, in 2022, Singh fully embraced the style of music that comforted him in childhood while putting his own flair in every song. 

Sonny Singh performing music from his debut solo album “Chardi Kala”

Singh’s second solo album, Sage Warrior, will be released on September 6th. While his recent work harkens back to the religious music of Sikhism, which he calls “sacred poetry,” Singh is not simply performing renditions of the spiritual hymns of his faith. His music combines different genres, languages and instruments to reflect the unique identity Singh has formed over decades of playing music. 

While classical renditions of Sikh music usually contain the Punjabi language and instruments such as the harmonium and tabla (a type of South Asian drum), Singh expands on this. He can be heard singing in Punjabi, Spanish, English and Hindi; in addition, Singh’s skill as a trumpet player is utilized often, creating a distinctive new sound. While Singh notes that some more traditional Sikhs may disagree with his interpretation of their religion’s music and teachings, he is sure that his work is having positive effects for their community.

“It’s a constant evolution… I’m making music that makes sense to me and my own heart,” he said.

A facet of Singh’s work that is especially important to him is its foundation in social justice and activism. Since becoming involved in social causes as a teenager, Singh has continually worked to help others not only through his music, but through activism work as well. A major tenant of Sikhism is the notion that all people are equal: providing justice to everyone is paramount. 

“This sacred poetry of our tradition, there is so much wisdom in it that’s applicable today… Sikh wisdom has always inspired me, has inspired my activism,” he said.

Through music and activism, Singh notes he was able to avoid falling into “despair and assimilation,” and keep his culture alive. During his live concerts, he gives context and history to the audience, most of whom are not Sikh themselves. 

Singh describes his current musical journey as “Coming back to my past, coming back to ancestral wisdom.” 

Sonny Singh’s new album Sage Warrior can be pre-ordered before release on September 6th at

Neighborhood Church Hosts Fundraising Event, Starts Wall Repairs


By Jean Brannum |

Participants wrote on the soon-to-be-restored walls of the church. Courtesy of Pastor Katrina Foster

The writing is on the walls, St John’s Lutheran Church is getting much-needed wall repairs through funding from its members and community. 

The “Sinners Repaint” event, which included performances by local musicians and an activity where attendees could write on the walls, happened on June 29. The event raised money to get rid of lead paint in the 157-year-old church and repaint the walls. Pastor Katrina Foster said that the council is finalizing the color choice, which will be a shade of blue to go with the permanent fixtures, such as the stained glass window depicting the “lynching of Jesus.”

Foster said that the church was able to make the first $77,000 payment for the repairs, and is raising the rest of the money through pledges and donations. The church has a fundraising goal of $235.000.  

Local band Marvele Oaks performed. The band comprises husband and wife duo Tess and Alex Demir, who are long-time members of the church. Tess Demir is treasurer of the church council. Another guitar performance filled the church with the song “Oh Lord.”

The most popular activity was writing on the soon-to-be-transformed walls. Attendants could get a marker and write or draw what they pleased. Foster said the kids “had a blast.” 

Foster noted that the average age of the congregation is thirty-five. She said that the church has attracted many young people since she arrived in 2015. However, there are still many longtime members, even one who has known St. John’s her whole life.

Longtime church member Ruth writes on the walls. Foster and others jokingly called Ruth a “graffiti gangster for Christ.” Courtesy of Pastor Foster. 

Ruth, a 98-year-old woman who was baptized at St. John’s wrote “Pillars of Faith” on one of the poles in the building. The Pastor visits her regularly in Sunnyside. Ruth used to travel to the church by rowboat across the Newtown Creek, Foster said. 

Maintenance has started on the church and the St. John’s congregation is temporarily sharing space with Ascension Episcopal church at 127 Kent St. The Worship service is noon for the next three months while the repairs are underway. The Ascension Episcopal church previously had a large-scale renovation where its congregation used St John’s space for about nine months.

In a previous Greenpoint Star interview, Foster discussed how the chipped walls hurt evangelization efforts. Many people discover the church while on a neighborhood stroll. “Evangelism is a Greek word, and it means to tell good news and invite,” Foster said. “So when you walk in here and you look at this, you think, ‘Ah, this congregation,  are they still open?’”

Foster fashioned a makeshift office in the worship space to greet visitors, an alternative to her previous office in the basement where she said she was hidden from passers-by.

While the repairs are much needed to make the church safe and restored to its previous beauty, Foster is eager to get back and resume the Saturday meals and ministries, such as the Boy Scout meetings. 

“We want nothing more than to get back in there and to get everything up and running again so that we can love Jesus by serving our neighbors,” Foster said.

Donations can be made on the church website at through Donately or GoFundMe. Foster mentioned that donations are tax-deductible. 

Financing Secured for Second Phase of Kingsland Commons


By Jean Brannum |

St. Nicks Alliance, Hudson Companies, and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development have secured $235 million in financing for the second phase of Kingsland Commons development, a renovation of the defunct Greenpoint Hospital campus. 

This phase is the construction of an 18-story building with 311 affordable homes from studio to three-bedroom units. Ninety-three homes will be set aside for formerly homeless people. In addition to the homes, the building will also have a children’s playroom, fitness center, and outdoor courtyard. The complex has apartments for individuals and families earning between 30 and 80 percent of the area median income. 

The project is expected to begin in the next month and be completed by April 2027, according to Ernesto Padron, Development Director of Hudson Companies. 

Frank Lang, Deputy Executive Director of Housing for St. Nicks Alliance, said that the design to revamp the land was created in conjunction with local residents and community groups including the Greenpoint Renaissance Enterprise Corp. Lang also said that Hudson Companies and St. Nicks Alliance hope the project exceeds the needs of the community. 

The project comprises four sites for renovation and construction. The first phase was a complete overhaul of the old nurse’s residence into a brand-new 200-bed men’s shelter. This phase is expected to be completed in 2025, and Project Renewal will operate the shelter. In partnership with the state Historic Preservation Office, builders preserved the original facade of the building. 

The next two phases involve constructing two new buildings with approximately 557 affordable homes. The new campus will include space for a health clinic and a senior center, among other service facilities. 

Padron said that HPD approved the project in 2018 after receiving multiple proposals for the old campus. He said the project was “very special” since the company gets to revamp an entire campus that was abandoned in 1982.

 NYC Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. of Housing Preservation and Development congratulated the St. Nicks and Hudson Companies on the milestone. 

“We are investing in the housing our city needs by repurposing precious space to provide affordable homes for hundreds of New Yorkers,” Carrión said. “Three hundred eleven families will call Kingsland Commons home and generations will benefit from growing up with housing security,”

Service Company of Williamsburg Apartment Building Sued for Bad Wage Practices

By Jean Brannum |

The New York City Comptroller Brad Lander is suing the Planned Companies divisions for over $72,000 in unpaid wages to custodial staff, doorpeople, and security guards. The company provides services to The Williams apartment building. 

The petition alleges that Planned Lifestyle Services and Planned Building Services failed to pay wages and benefits to staff members who worked at 282 S. 5th Street in Williamsburg. The company provides services to another building in Manhattan. Sam Spilkes LLC owns both buildings and the comptroller alleges that the company owes over $140,000 total in unpaid wages. 

This lawsuit comes after a 2020 case of the same nature. Spilkes and the Comptroller’s office agreed to a settlement in which Spilkes agreed to pay $450,000 in lost wages, the Comptroller reports. The case was based on the same Williamsburg building. 

“We cannot stand by while workers continue to be cheated out of their hard-earned wages,” said Claudia Henriquez, Director of Workers’ Rights at the Comptroller’s Bureau of Labor Law. “This is about ensuring fairness and accountability for all employees employed by Planned.” 

Planned Companies did not respond to a request for comment. 

Under the Real Property Tax 421a law, development companies can receive a tax credit for building multiple dwellings. In exchange, some apartments are subject to rent stabilization. One of the terms of receiving the benefits is that the company pays prevailing wage to workers. The prevailing wage is what workers for public works projects receive. The comptroller alleges that Planned companies violated the 421a eligibility requirements. 

421a expired in 2022, but a “placeholder” law, 485-x, was enacted in April 2024. It provides similar benefits including prevailing wage requirements. 

32BJ SEIU is a union that represents several workers at Planned Companies and helped with getting workers in touch with the comptroller about lost wages. President Manny Pastreich said that the company has repeatedly hurt hard-working staff members and thanked the Comptroller for his help. 

“The union’s going to do its part to defend that, but the comptroller is doing his part,” Pastreich said. “We really appreciate it. We’ve fought very hard to win and defend these standards, and together with the Comptroller, will ensure that these workers get what they deserve.”

Pastreich clarified that this case is an exception and that most companies his union represents pay employees fairly. Pastreich emphasized that real estate companies should only support contractors that pay workers fairly. 

The RealDeal reports that the comptroller’s office has resolved nine wage suits related to 421a buildings since 2022. The cases have involved construction workers rather than building service workers. 


Brooklyn Organization Helps Parents Keep Their Children With Housing and Emotional Support


By Jean Brannum |

Jenn Miles grew up in the foster care system. She aged out at the age of 21 after years of cycling in and out of the hospital and various foster homes since the age of two. Now, at 30, Miles holds her six-month-old son on her chest in her own apartment in Crown Heights. Her goal is to be a better mother than her own and raise her son to achieve anything. 

“I’m in a better stage, a better mindset,” Miles said. “I’m a different and better person from where I was before.”

It hasn’t been easy for Miles. She’s had to learn how to work through anger management problems and depressive episodes. She is working to maintain her wellness, and her son, Lucas, motivates her to do so. 

“Aging Out”

In the system, Miles explained that she felt like an item rather than a person. She said she was abused in one foster home, and the case manager did nothing to resolve the situation. Miles said case workers rarely believe children in abusive foster homes. 

“When I see kids in the system, I see nothing but sadness and anger,” Miles said. 

Miles carried some of the same sadness and learned to be independent at a young age, like many foster kids. She wanted to be a social worker but decided not to pursue the career knowing the realities of the system. 

Miles met Sharon Sorrentino, vice president of Child, Family, and Young Adult Services at the Institute of Community Living, while staying at a hospital. She was put into another ICL house for young adults who aged out of the foster care system. The first crucial item Miles received was support. 

The ICL is a network of housing that provides supportive care to New Yorkers with behavioral health challenges. The organization provides supportive housing, healthcare, and recovery services to those in need. 

An Administration for Children’s Services report from 2022 says 17 percent of 3,020 children in foster care “age out,” meaning children reach the age of 21 without being adopted or reunited with their parents or guardians. Foster children can technically exit the system at 18, but Miles did not recommend doing that because she saw many people who aged out at 18 become homeless. For young adults who choose to remain in care until their 21st birthday, the ACS will help them find housing in NYCHA or Section Eight. 

Miles is able to take care of herself and her son through support of Emerson. Credit: Jean Brannum

Finding Support 


Miles was excited to find out she was pregnant, but her behavioral challenges put her at risk of losing custody of her child. She also lost her supportive housing due to her pregnancy. She entered the Emerson house, another ICL establishment, to receive housing, behavioral, and case management support. 

Emerson caters to single parents who are at risk of losing custody of their children or working to reunite with children in foster care due to behavioral health problems. Sorrentino explained that ICL works with courts and parents to avoid involvement from Child Protective Services by giving parents the necessary resources to care for their children. For parents working to reunify with their children, Emerson staff will help them by ensuring parents attend court sessions and maintain regular visits. Parents will then receive assistance with reestablishing a bond with their children after reunification.

For parents to reunite with their children, family courts require the parents to provide a stable place for them. Most single parents who are homeless will only be eligible for single adult homes, which include living with roommates and do not allow children. A child can also be barred from visitation since the parent lives with other strangers due to safety concerns. This creates a barrier to reunification for many families and can cause familial bonds to diminish. 

“Sometimes families who are in the homeless shelter find themselves kind of between a rock and a hard place if they’ve been separated from their children, because they may not qualify for family housing, which then prevents them from being able to reunify with their children,” Sorrentino said. 

The ACS report says 54% of foster children in 2022 were reunited with their families. The first goal of foster care is reunification, but as Sorrentino explained, the process can be long and tedious. Miles said she worked hard through her problems to make sure she never lost Lucas to foster care because it would be very difficult to regain full custody. 

Emerson helps Miles by providing household and childcare support as well. Miles rattled off names of people who will help her with laundry and cleaning, and look after Lucas when she is due in court. Miles disclosed an incident at her previous job that she regrets. She said continues finding positive ways to express and manage her emotions.

Emerson also offers parenting support and community events. Miles is, by admission, an introvert, but she sometimes attends these events where single parents can bond and receive peer support. 

Looking Ahead


Lucas will soon start daycare, and Miles is working to maintain her wellness. She continues to go to therapy and is working on producing music. She wants to teach her son about managing emotions and encourage him to be successful in academics. 

“I want him to be successful in life and know that he can do anything he wants to.”

Being a single mom can be difficult, but Miles said that her solution to some of the chaos is kids’ TV show personality, Ms. Rachel. 

“I can actually take my shower, I can actually clean or cook,” Miles said. “Most of the time, he wants to be in my arms but once I (turn on Ms. Rachel), I’m invisible, so I work with that.”

Currently, Miles plans to stay at Emerson until she is ready to be independent and move into her own place outside of ICL. 

The Emerson program is, unfortunately, one-of-a-kind in the US. There are no similar programs in New York or any other state. The ICL continues to advocate for greater flexibility in the shelter system that will allow single parents to receive housing vouchers in appropriate apartments for their children, including children that parents hope to reunite with.