Investors Bank Promotion

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Only a month in and Investors Bank is already offering promotions.

Check out their grand opening promotion, where you can win prizes like a 40-inch LDC television, iPad Air, Kindle Fire, Apple Watch, Nepressors and BBQ grill.

For more information, contact branch manager Debbie Hootam at 718-389-1531.

Newtown Creek Walking Tour Next Week

Flickr/Dan DeLuca
Flickr/Dan DeLuca

NYC H20 is hosting a walking tour of Newtown Creek on August 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Organizers are meeting attendees in front of St. Anthony’s Church at 862 Manhattan Avenue.

On this tour, historian Mitch Waxman will show how the use of New York’s ancient streams created the contemporary landscape, including real estate development, environmental hazards and the re-emergence of the creek’s natural environment. The tour will cover the creek’s pollution history, spillage from oil refineries and what ultimately led to Superfund status.

Organizers advise you to bring your camera, be prepared for rough terrain, dress and pack appropriately for hiking and hot weather. Closed-toe shoes are recommended, and you might want to go to the bathroom before the tour.

To register, please click here.

Free flicks at Transmitter Park


Catch a free movie this Friday, July 29 at 8:30 p.m. at Transmitter Park. It’s part of the SummerSTARZ Free Outdoor Movie series, sponsored by Town Square.

The next movie on the schedule is Star Wars: The Force Awakens on August 5.

L train to shut down for 18 months

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MTA executives at a public listening meeting in Williamsburg.

The MTA has officially decided what most residents and riders asked for all along.

They announced Monday that they will shut down the L train from 8th Avenue in Manhattan to Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg for 18 months, starting in 2019.

“While the MTA always looks to avoid service disruptions, there is no question that repairs to the Canarsie Tunnel are critical and cannot be avoided or delayed,” said MTA Chairman and CEO Thomas Prendergast. “Throughout this process we have committed to engaging the community and listening to all concerns so that we can address them as we prepare for this necessary work.”


This decision comes after months of surveying and public listening sessions. According to the MTA, 77 percent of comments the MTA received asked for this option.

The other plan the MTA floated at meetings was to have a 3-year partial shutdown in which service would be dreadfully slower than it already is. They were leaning against that option, and riders agreed.

In the meantime, the MTA should look at increasing service for alternative trains (G or M, for example) or a dedicated bus lane for the M14 in Manhattan.

Free legal clinic in north Brooklyn this week


The Greenpoint Housing Clinics are hosting their regularly scheduled free legal clinics on Thursday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Greenpoint Church (136 Milton Street).

Tenants will have the opportunity to learn about their rights, speak one-on-one with counselors and housing discrimination lawyers and meet with neighbors to discuss forming tenant associations.

NAG Map Fair next week


Neighbors Allied for Good Growth (NAG) is hosting its map fair next Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the McCarren Park Pool Community room.

The event will also unveil the group’s final ToxiCity Map, which shows the environmental conditions in Greenpoint and Williamsburg.

The organization said it will be a “science fair” type of event, with other groups presenting their own maps with information. The following groups will be at the event: Curb your Litter: Greenpoint, Ghost Bikes, Northwest Bushwick Community Group and NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation).

Free food and refreshments will be provided as well.

For more information, visit the Facebook page event here.

Investors Bank on Manhattan Ave open for business

Investors Bank Greenpoint

Already with 14 other branches in Brooklyn, Investors Bank has opened up another location at 896 Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint.

Banking executives and community partners enjoyed a VIP reception on Tuesday night, despite the lack of air conditioning and a friendly visit by firefighters.

At the ribbon cutting ceremony, Domenick Cama, the bank’s chief operating officer (COO), said they will be an integral part of the community.

Results are already starting to show. According to Kendall Charter, the executive director of the Greenpoint YMCA, Investors Bank has already pledged $5,000 to the local Y for its programs.

The local bank will be run by branch manager Debbie Hootam, who grew up in East Flatbush and has 19 years in the banking industry. She said she hopes to create a community-driven atmosphere and strong relationships with local partners.

What is K2? A Primer on Synthetic Marijuana

K2_Packaging2What is it? Also known as a synthetic cannabinoid, it is a combination of man-made mind-altering chemicals that are either sprayed on dried, shredded plant material so they can be smoked or are sold as liquids to be vaporized.  Because of similarities to cannabis, it’s misleadingly called “synthetic marijuana.”

What are other names? Spice, Green Giant, Scooby Snax, Black Mamba, Crazy Monkey, Crazy Clown, Dead Man Walking, Funky Money, Sexy Monkey, SinX, TenX, Twilight, Bliss, Bombay Blue, Fake Weed, Genie Zohai, Mr. Nice Guy.

What does it look like? K2 is sold in small foil packets. The packaging includes any of the numerous names the drug goes by along with bright colors and graphics.

What are the effects? Everybody reacts differently. Some say they feel similar effect of marijuana, such as elevated mood and altered perception. But K2 is more intense than marijuana and can cause anxiety, vomiting, high blood pressure, seizures, hallucinations, paranoia and suicidal thoughts.

Why is it popular? K2 is easily accessible and it is also cheap, selling for as low as $5. Many wrongly believe that it is natural and safe. It is also not detected in most standard drug screenings.

Is it dangerous? It is a new drug and the chemicals are always changing. Because of this, it makes it difficult to know how it will affect your body. It can be addictive and regular users have withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression and irritability.

TONIGHT: Bushwick Inlet Park advocates send message to buyers


Elected officials and park advocates have one message to the seller and potential buyers of the space intended for Bushwick Inlet Park: buyers beware.

With the countdown clock for the city’s offer slowly ticking away, advocates listed these reasons why buyers should not want the property currently owned by Norman Brodsky, owner of CitiStorage:

WARNING LABEL – This property is hazardous because:

  1. It once housed operations for producing manufactured gas from BURNING COAL AND REFINING KEROSENE & PETROLEUM. The ground here will require years of testing, planning & remediation at great cost.
  2. With the threat of an auction of the property, our Elected Officials will continue to demand an immediate eminent domain hearing! Mr. Brodsky refuses to negotiate with the City, so it is time for the City to taken off the gloves. Eminent domain was designed for exactly this purpose – the acquisition of land for the public good. Let the court decide how much Brodsky’s property is worth, but make it a park!
  3. This property exists in a community that is completely HOSTILE & RESISTANT to stores, offices, and luxury apartments – any development on their promised waterfront park. It will ONLY welcome unadulterated OPEN SPACE on this spot. This PARK WAS A PROMISE – as mitigation against massive government-spurred overdevelopment. It’s a NO REZONE AREA. Brooklyn Community Board #1, a large coalition of our elected officials including Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Mayor de Blasio pledged to NOT support up-zoning this property.

Sign up for Greenpoint Chess Camp


Have a young child whom you want to be a chess champion?

Sign up for the Greenpoint Chess Camp at St. John’s Lutheran Church (155 Milton Street).

The camp offers each child over the age of 4 a chance to learn about the fun and invigorating game. Supervisors will give special attention to those with a greater commitment to chess.

In the meantime, there will also be fun alternative activities, pizza and ice cream for all. With three hours of chess a day, that adds up to 15 hours a week and 60 hours a month. Your child will be buzzing about chess in no time.

To learn more about the Greenpoint Chess Camp, click here.