Elected officials and park advocates have one message to the seller and potential buyers of the space intended for Bushwick Inlet Park: buyers beware.
With the countdown clock for the city’s offer slowly ticking away, advocates listed these reasons why buyers should not want the property currently owned by Norman Brodsky, owner of CitiStorage:
WARNING LABEL – This property is hazardous because:
- It once housed operations for producing manufactured gas from BURNING COAL AND REFINING KEROSENE & PETROLEUM. The ground here will require years of testing, planning & remediation at great cost.
- With the threat of an auction of the property, our Elected Officials will continue to demand an immediate eminent domain hearing! Mr. Brodsky refuses to negotiate with the City, so it is time for the City to taken off the gloves. Eminent domain was designed for exactly this purpose – the acquisition of land for the public good. Let the court decide how much Brodsky’s property is worth, but make it a park!
- This property exists in a community that is completely HOSTILE & RESISTANT to stores, offices, and luxury apartments – any development on their promised waterfront park. It will ONLY welcome unadulterated OPEN SPACE on this spot. This PARK WAS A PROMISE – as mitigation against massive government-spurred overdevelopment. It’s a NO REZONE AREA. Brooklyn Community Board #1, a large coalition of our elected officials including Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Mayor de Blasio pledged to NOT support up-zoning this property.